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Registration Form

Financial Guarantee
A non refundable delegation prepayment of AED 180
Late registration Fee (5th March onwards) AED 200

All Al Diyafah High School students have to pay through the parent portal. This will appear within Fees & Services, under "Other Events/Activities"

bank details

All external delegates are to make payment via bank transfer/Direct deposit, the details of which are below:

Name as in the Bank Account Al Diyafah High School
Account # 260179020001
IBAN # AE680030000260179020001
Name of the Bank & Branch- Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank

Note: Clearly indicate the name of payer (school or delegate) on the Bank transfer and the purpose being “ADMUN 2022 Delegate Fee”. Please email a copy of the Bank transfer advice/Direct deposit advice to communications.admun@diyafahschool.com


Terms and Conditions *

Before submitting any information to us please read, understand and agree to the following terms and conditions as set out below: